Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98
Every Board of Education meeting, including closed sessions, must be preceded by public notice and initially convened in open session. All discussion and action whether formal or informal must be initiated, deliberated, and acted upon in open session, except where the meeting has been properly closed.
A. Timing
1. Public notice of every Board meeting must be given at least 24 hours prior to the meeting’s commencement. If for good cause, this is impractical or impossible, shorter notice may be given, but never less than two hours in advance.
2. Separate notice must be given for each meeting, at a time and date reasonably proximate to that of the meeting.
B. Content
1. Public notice must set forth the time, date, place, and specific subject matter of the meeting, including that intended for any contemplated closed sessions. Notice of a contemplated closed session should refer to the specific statutory exemption.
2. Intent to reconvene in open session within 12 hours following closed session must be noticed at the same time and in the same manner as notice of meeting and convened before closed session.
C. Groups Notified
1. In addition to any notice required by other Statutes, notice of meetings must be given to the public, to news media members who have filed written request, and to the official newspaper or news medium likely to give notice in the area.
D. Exception
1. Formal committees of the Board may meet without public notice during or immediately following a lawful meeting of the Board to discuss or act on a matter that was the subject of the Board meeting.
2. The presiding Board officer must publicly announce in advance the time, place, and
subject matter of the committee meeting at the Board’s meeting.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.84, 120.11(4)