Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98
The Board of Education (frequently referred to as the “Board”) is a legal body created by the statutes of the State of Wisconsin. Its members are public officials receiving their responsibilities and powers through State law.
Wisconsin State Law vests the control of the Wautoma Area School District in a school board composed of seven (7) members entitled a Board of Education. In these rules, the word “Board” will be used to designate Board of Education.
Newly elected Board members shall take office according to State law. Members are elected for a three-year term, except when completing an unexpired term. Board members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have complete authority, within State law, over school affairs when they serve as a legal body.
The Board is, in practice, primarily a policymaking body. Although legally authorized to administer policy, the Board delegates this function to an officer of the Board and/or district administrator of the school district.
Delegating this administrative function makes the Board responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the execution of Board policies. Evaluation by the Board requires a continuous appraisal of the results of its educational policies, as well as, the effectiveness of the general administration.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §17.26, 120.01(2), 120.06(3), (4)