Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

The Board shall act as the general agent of the State in carrying out the will of the people of its district in the matter of public education. State law provides the Board with broad powers to do all things reasonable to promote the cause of education including establishing, providing and improving school district programs, functions, and other activities for the benefit of students. The Board shall be responsible for carrying out certain mandatory laws; and shall consider, accept, or reject the provisions of the permissive laws. In all cases where the State laws do not provide or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent responsible for establishing and appraising the educational activities. In general, the Board shall be responsible for policymaking, with the advice of the district administrator, and for the evaluation of these policies.

The duties of the Board shall include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Interpretation of the needs and desires of the community in educational matters to its professional staff.
2. Appointment of the district administrator and approval of the appointment of his/her administrative staff.
3. Approval of an annual budget prepared by the district administrator before its presentation at the annual meeting.
4. Presentation to the annual meeting statements of need with supporting data for new school facilities, alterations and extensions of existing facilities, and capital budget expenditures.
5. Approval of specifications, preliminary and final plans for all new buildings, building additions, and of school sites.
6. Determination of the compensation and salary schedules of all employees of the Board.
7. Provision for keeping the public informed of the purposes, needs and conditions of education in the Wautoma Area School District.
8. Evaluation of school programs and appraisal of executive personnel efficiency.
9. Formulation and approval of policies for the organization and improvement of public education in the Wautoma Area School District.
10. Implementation of all actions required by law.
11. Consideration of specific actions recommended by the district administrator.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.001, 120.10, 120.12, 120.13