Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/14/99
Revised 03/28/02
A. Committee of the Whole
1. The Board of Education will meet as a Committee of the Whole at the regular meeting of the Board and will act as such in the regular transaction of business.
B. Standing Committees
1. The president shall appoint standing committees as follows:
a. Buildings and Grounds.
b. Curriculum.
c. Finance.
d. Negotiations/Personnel.
e. Policy
f. Transportation.
g. Performing Arts Center
2. The purpose of these committees is to obtain information and make recommendations to the district administrator and/or the Board on matters referred to them by the president and/or district administrator.
3. Public notice of committee meetings shall be given in accordance with the State law.
C. Special Committees
1. Special temporary committees (ad hoc) may be appointed by the Board as needed, or by the president upon the direction of the Board; however, no special standing committees shall be authorized.
D. All committee meetings are subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings law. The District will provide public notice of committee meetings as required by state law.
E. Representatives to Other Boards
The Board President shall annually appoint a member as its representative for the purpose of determining the composition of the CESA Board of Control.