Wautoma Area School District
Approved 11/23/99

The Wautoma Area School District Board of Education subscribes to the thesis that our
educational aspirations for our young have made us free and it is the intention of the Board to help perpetuate that freedom by providing the best education possible for our children.

The purpose of public school education is to develop individuals who, in a world full of tremendous scientific progress, can show basic training in desirable moral, ethical, and spiritual beliefs, as well as, the more academic preparations which helps to complete the picture of a competent individual who is prepared to assume a role of shaping the future of our nation.

It is understood that though all children will not learn all things equally well, all should have an equal opportunity in the pursuit of educational qualifications for the world ahead and the Board of Education will attempt to balance its program to provide for the varied interests of all pupils.
Attempts at such balance will keep in mind the fact that the quality of a program deserves as much consideration as quantity and attempts at balance must be restricted by the quality of criterion. The Board accepts the promise that the center of the school curriculum is the child and that the instructional program should be tailored to fit a child development pattern of education.

The Board of Education accepts the conclusion that the education of children is a comprehensive program, which must be undertaken in cooperation with other institutions of our society and will seek to establish and maintain strong ties with parents and community programs.

Cross Reference: 411-Equal Education Opportunities


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

The Board of Education is responsible to the District community and should attempt to reflect the opinion of the community. Board members must look, however, to the future more clearly than is required of the average citizen. The results of many decisions and actions of the Board will not be realized at once, but will set the course of education for future years. The Board should fearlessly support those educational philosophies and procedures needed to promote an adequate education for the community based upon the needs of the pupil population.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.01, 118.30(1)(g), 121.02(1)(a)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

The Wautoma Area School District is a Common School District and the full legal name of the District is The Wautoma Area School District of the City of Wautoma; Villages of Redgranite and Lohrville; portions of the Towns of Wautoma, Dakota, Deerfield, Leon, Mt. Morris, Warren, Marion, and Richford; County of Waushara and State of Wisconsin.

Legal References: Wisconsin Constitution Article X(3)
Wisconsin State Statute §115.01(3), 115.01(5)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

The Board of Education (frequently referred to as the “Board”) is a legal body created by the statutes of the State of Wisconsin. Its members are public officials receiving their responsibilities and powers through State law.
Wisconsin State Law vests the control of the Wautoma Area School District in a school board composed of seven (7) members entitled a Board of Education. In these rules, the word “Board” will be used to designate Board of Education.
Newly elected Board members shall take office according to State law. Members are elected for a three-year term, except when completing an unexpired term. Board members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have complete authority, within State law, over school affairs when they serve as a legal body.
The Board is, in practice, primarily a policymaking body. Although legally authorized to administer policy, the Board delegates this function to an officer of the Board and/or district administrator of the school district.
Delegating this administrative function makes the Board responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the execution of Board policies. Evaluation by the Board requires a continuous appraisal of the results of its educational policies, as well as, the effectiveness of the general administration.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §17.26, 120.01(2), 120.06(3), (4)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

A person is legally qualified to become a member of the Board of Education who is a United States citizen and a qualified voter of the school district. In addition, it would be desirable that members of the Board have a genuine interest in and devotion to public education, a willingness to give time and effort to the responsibility, a capacity for understanding people, and the ability to work cooperatively with others.

Legal References: Wisconsin State Statute §6.02, 120.06(2)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved: 12/10/98

Any vacancy caused by death, resignation, or other reasons as outlined in State law of a Board of Education member, shall be filled by an appointment made by the Board as prescribed by State law.

Legal References: Wisconsin State Statute §17.03, 17.26, 19.01, 120.06(12)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/1998
Revised 07/10/2006

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.34 ,120.05, 120.11(1), 120.15, 120.16, 120.17

1. Officers and Date of Election
The officers of the Board shall be president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer. The Board members at the first Board meeting following the fourth Monday in April, once the newly elected Board members take office, shall elect officers. Such a meeting shall be declared the organizational meeting of the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education according to State law.
2. Election
The president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer shall be elected by said Board from their own number to serve for one year.
3. Duties of the President
The president of the Board shall preside at Board meetings, shall perform all duties imposed by the State statutes, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by action of the Board of Education. The president shall appoint or provide for the election of all committees of the Board and shall be ex-officio member of all such committees.
4. Duties of the Vice-President
If the president, for any reason, is unable to perform their duties due to disability or absence, the vice-president should take the chair and preside over the meeting and/or perform all duties of the president. In their absence, and the absence of the president, the Board shall appoint another Board member to preside.
5. Duties of the Clerk
The clerk shall be responsible for an accurate journal of the minutes and all Board proceedings, although the Board may appoint this duty to a designee. The clerk shall also be responsible for school board elections, school board referendums, and any other duties as described by State law.
6. Duties of the Treasurer
The treasurer shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee and certify for the Board that all accounts and financial records are in order. The treasurer shall sign or have a facsimile signature affixed to all checks and other financial documents of the Board, and shall perform any other duties in accordance with State law.
7. Appointment of Replacement
If the Board president, vice president, treasurer, or clerk is unable to discharge the duties of the office due to disability or absence, the Board may appoint a person to discharge the duties of such a person until the disability or absence no longer exists. Such appointments will be as outlined in the State law.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

The Board shall act as the general agent of the State in carrying out the will of the people of its district in the matter of public education. State law provides the Board with broad powers to do all things reasonable to promote the cause of education including establishing, providing and improving school district programs, functions, and other activities for the benefit of students. The Board shall be responsible for carrying out certain mandatory laws; and shall consider, accept, or reject the provisions of the permissive laws. In all cases where the State laws do not provide or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent responsible for establishing and appraising the educational activities. In general, the Board shall be responsible for policymaking, with the advice of the district administrator, and for the evaluation of these policies.

The duties of the Board shall include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Interpretation of the needs and desires of the community in educational matters to its professional staff.
2. Appointment of the district administrator and approval of the appointment of his/her administrative staff.
3. Approval of an annual budget prepared by the district administrator before its presentation at the annual meeting.
4. Presentation to the annual meeting statements of need with supporting data for new school facilities, alterations and extensions of existing facilities, and capital budget expenditures.
5. Approval of specifications, preliminary and final plans for all new buildings, building additions, and of school sites.
6. Determination of the compensation and salary schedules of all employees of the Board.
7. Provision for keeping the public informed of the purposes, needs and conditions of education in the Wautoma Area School District.
8. Evaluation of school programs and appraisal of executive personnel efficiency.
9. Formulation and approval of policies for the organization and improvement of public education in the Wautoma Area School District.
10. Implementation of all actions required by law.
11. Consideration of specific actions recommended by the district administrator.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.001, 120.10, 120.12, 120.13


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

The preparation and adoption of a set of written policies governing the actions of the District represents good school administration.
Any policy to be adopted or altered will require approval of a majority of the total membership of the Board at two Board meetings (first consideration and second consideration) before it becomes policy. The Board reserves the right to waive the second consideration with a two thirds majority vote.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

In cases where action must be taken within the District, where the Board has provided no guides for administrative action, the district administrator shall have the power to act. The decisions shall be subject to review by action of the Board at its regular meeting or a special meeting called for this purpose. It shall be the duties of the district administrator to inform the Board promptly of such action and the need for policy.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

Board of Education members shall have authority only when acting as a Board legally in session. The Board shall not be bound in any way by any statement or action on the part of an individual member except when such statement or action is in pursuance of specific instruction of the Board. The removal of a Board member shall be in accordance with State law.
A. Board Member Authority and Responsibilities
1. Individual Board Members – Official Capacity
a. The Board shall exercise its powers and duties only in properly called meetings where a majority of the Board constitutes a quorum to transact business. Except when
performing a specific duty as ordered by the Board, the decisions and actions of a
single Board member cannot be binding on the entire Board.
b. It is the policy and understanding of the Board that the laws assign powers, duties, and responsibilities to the Board as a whole, not to individual members. As an individual, the Board member has no legal authority.
B. Board Member Duties
1. The duties and obligations of an individual Board member shall be enumerated as follows:
a. To be familiar with the State school laws, regulations of the State Department of Public Instruction, Wautoma Area School District policies, rules and regulations.
b. To have general knowledge of educational aims and objectives of the system.
c. To work harmoniously with other Board members without trying either to dominate the Board, or neglect his/her share of the responsibility.
d. To vote and act in the Board meetings impartially for the good of the District.
e. To accept the will of the majorities vote in all cases and give wholehearted support to the resulting policy.
f. To represent the Board and the Wautoma Area School District to the public in such a way as to promote both interest and support.
g. To refer complaints to the proper school authorities and to abstain from individual counsel and action.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §17.13, 120.11(1)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

Board of Education members are encouraged to attend workshops presented by the county, State, and national school board associations, and to attend school board conventions. The library and office of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards are available to members. Professional magazines and our own library shall be available to each Board member. Some aspect of the educational program will also be presented to the Board at the regular Board meeting of each month.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §120.13(16)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 11/05/01

The Board of Education shall:
1. Cooperate with and be vitally interested in problems of school boards of other districts, the Cooperative Service Educational Agencies, the State School Boards Association, State Department of Education, the National School Boards Association, and the United States Department of Education.
2. Hold a membership in the Wisconsin Association of School Boards.
3. Recognize the significant role of the local and/or county Parent/Teacher Organization and solicit their support for better education.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

Remuneration for Board Members shall be determined each year at the Annual Meeting. Such pay shall be applicable for all regular, special, and committee meetings held by Board members with mileage for meetings and other school business at the same rate as school employees.
1. Mileage Expenses
Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses of a Board member when traveling in the performance of duties.
2. Loss of Earnings
The District may reimburse a Board of Education Member for actual loss of earnings when duties require the Board member to be absent from regular employment up to $100 per day.
3. Membership Fees
The District may pay the membership fee in an organization of school boards in this State and the actual and necessary expenses of its representatives incurred in attending meetings of such organizations.
4. Continuing Education
The District may also pay to provide for the orientation and continuing education of Board of Education members and persons who have been elected to the Board, but have not yet taken office in the general duties and responsibilities of the Board, and pay for the actual and necessary expenses incurred.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §120.10(3), 120.10(4), 120.13(16), 120.13(32)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

A. As a member of the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education, representing all the citizens of the district, I recognize the following:
1. My fellow citizens have entrusted me with the educational development of the children and youth of the Wautoma Area School District Community.
2. The community expects my first and greatest concern to be in the best interest of each one of the young people without discrimination.
3. The future welfare of this community, of this state, and of the Nation depends in the largest measure upon the quality of education we provide in the public schools to fit the needs of every learner.
4. My fellow Board members and I must take the initiative in helping all community members to have all the facts all the time about their schools, to the end that they will readily provide the finest possible school program, school staff, and school facilities.
5. The legal authority of the Board is derived from the State which ultimately controls the organization and operation of the school district and which determines the degree of discretionary power left with the Board and the people of this community for the exercise of local autonomy.
6. I must never neglect my personal obligation to the community and my legal obligation to the State, nor surrender these responsibilities to any other person, group, or organization; but that, beyond these, I have a moral and civic obligation to the Nation which can remain strong and free only so long as public schools in the United States of America are kept strong and free.
B. In view of the foregoing considerations, it shall by my constant endeavor to:
1. Devote time, thought, and study to the duties and responsibilities of a Board of Education member so that I may render effective and creditable service.
2. Base personal decisions upon all available facts in each situation, to vote my honest conviction in every case, unswayed by partisan bias of any kind; thereafter, to abide by and uphold the final
majority decision of the Board.
3. Work with my fellow Board members in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that arise during vigorous debate of points at issue.
4. To remember at all times that as an individual I have no legal authority outside the meetings of the Board except as directed by the Board, and to conduct my relationships with the school staff, the local citizenry, and all media of communication on the basis of this fact.
5. Follow any ethical standards for elected officials as established by State law.
6. Recognize that it is as important for the aboard to understand and evaluate the education program of the schools, as it is to plan for the business of school operation.
7. Bear in mind under all circumstances that the primary function of the Board is to establish the policies by which the schools are to be administered, but that the administration of the educational program and the conduct of school business shall be left to the employed District Administrator and his/her professional and paraprofessional staff.
8. Welcome and encourage active cooperation by citizens, organizations, and the media of communication in the district with respect to establishing policy on current school operation and proposed future developments.
9. Support my State and National School Boards Associations.
10. Strive systematically toward ideal conditions for most effective Board of Education service to my community, in a spirit of teamwork and devotion to public education as the greatest instrument for the preservation and perpetuation of our representative democracy.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

In addition to the Board of Education, the district administrator or his/her representative shall attend all meetings unless previously excused. In addition, the district administrator or the Board may request the attendance of any school personnel deemed necessary for the expeditious transaction of official business

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.84, 120.11(1)
Cross Reference: 171.1-Public Notification of Board Meetings


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/08/1979
Revised 12/11/2003; 01/23/2006

1. Purpose
The Board shall meet for the purpose of the education of the Board concerning the
educational program and any other action that may be necessary.
2. Schedule
It is the intent of the Board to have two regular session business meetings each month on the second and fourth Monday. The business meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. This regular session is subject to Board modification.
3. Duration
Regular and special meetings of the Board shall not last beyond the hour of 12:00 a.m.(midnight) unless it has been previously agreed to in advance. After that hour, if there is additional business to be covered, such business shall be tabled or deferred until another meeting can be scheduled.
4. Public Notice
Public notice of such meeting shall be given in accordance with State law.
5. Exceptions
In situations where no formal action is required of the Board at a regular meeting, the Board President may cancel that meeting with at least 48 hours notice prior to the meeting.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

Every Board of Education meeting, including closed sessions, must be preceded by public notice and initially convened in open session. All discussion and action whether formal or informal must be initiated, deliberated, and acted upon in open session, except where the meeting has been properly closed.

A. Timing
1. Public notice of every Board meeting must be given at least 24 hours prior to the meeting’s commencement. If for good cause, this is impractical or impossible, shorter notice may be given, but never less than two hours in advance.
2. Separate notice must be given for each meeting, at a time and date reasonably proximate to that of the meeting.
B. Content
1. Public notice must set forth the time, date, place, and specific subject matter of the meeting, including that intended for any contemplated closed sessions. Notice of a contemplated closed session should refer to the specific statutory exemption.
2. Intent to reconvene in open session within 12 hours following closed session must be noticed at the same time and in the same manner as notice of meeting and convened before closed session.
C. Groups Notified
1. In addition to any notice required by other Statutes, notice of meetings must be given to the public, to news media members who have filed written request, and to the official newspaper or news medium likely to give notice in the area.
D. Exception
1. Formal committees of the Board may meet without public notice during or immediately following a lawful meeting of the Board to discuss or act on a matter that was the subject of the Board meeting.
2. The presiding Board officer must publicly announce in advance the time, place, and
subject matter of the committee meeting at the Board’s meeting.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.84, 120.11(4)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/1998
Revised 07/10/2006

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §19.83(2), 19.84
Cross Reference: 171.2 Exhibit-Agenda Format

A. Agenda Items
1. The agenda shall be approved at the beginning of each official meeting of the Board.
2. Citizens wishing to place an item on the agenda for any meeting shall do so, in writing to the district administrator, five (5) working days prior to the meeting.
3. Notice for any meeting should be given 24 hours in advance unless impossible or
impractical to do so, however, not less than two hours.
B. Adequate Information to Precede Action
1. The Board President, at least five (5) working days prior to regularly scheduled meetings will review and endorse the proposed agenda.
2. The agenda shall be supplied to each Board member for regular meetings of the Board with the notices of the meeting two days prior to each regular Board meeting.

AGENDA FORMAT 171.2 Exhibit

Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/29/99

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Approval of the Minutes
V. Approval of Vouchers*
VI. Treasurer’s Report*
VII. Committee Reports
VIII. Administrative Reports
A. District Administrator
B. Principals
C. Building & Grounds Supervisor**
D. Student Council***
IX. Recognition of Those Wishing to Address the Board on Agenda Items
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
XII. Board Suggested Future Agenda Items
XIII. Adjourn (to Executive Session – Optional with Proper Notice)
Please Note: Under the Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if special accommodations are necessary
to attend the meeting, please notify the District Administrator at 920-787-7112.
*Item during first meeting of the month
**Item during second meeting of the month
***Item only when school is in session

Legal References Wisconsin State Statute §19.84, 120.11(2), 19.34
Cross References 171-Regular Board Meetings, 171.1-Public Notification of Board Meetings


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

A. Special meetings of the Board of Education may be called by the following:
1. The president.
2. The clerk in the president’s absence.
3. The president on written request from another Board member.
4. The president on request of the majority of the Board members.
5. Upon the written request of any Board member. The request shall be filed with the Board of Education Clerk or, in the clerk’s absence, the Board of Education President.
B. Notice
1. Notice of any special meeting shall be given to all Board members not less than 24hours prior to the time set for the meeting. Such notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the meeting.
2. The notice shall be delivered to each Board member personally, left at an established drop off site, or shall be mailed by 1st class mail to the mailing address of the Board member so as to arrive at least 24 hours before the special Board meeting.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

A meeting may convene in closed session to consider business of the type specified in Wisconsin
Statute 19.85(1),(2),(a) through (h).

Convening into Closed Session
1. This may be done only when the Board or committee is first properly convened in open session and only to consider matters exempt from the open meeting requirements of
Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (a) through (h). A motion carried by majority roll call vote is
required to close.
2. Before the motion is adopted, the presiding officer must announce the nature of the
business to be considered in closed session and the specific statutory subsection under
which the closed session is claimed to be authorized.
3. Only business, including final action regarding such business, which relates to the subject matter set forth in the announcement made by the presiding officer, can be considered at the closed session.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.21, 19.85

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.85, 19.88, 65.90
Cross Reference: 171.2-Agenda Format, 182-Quorum, 811-Community Involvement in Decisionmaking


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

A meeting may convene in closed session to consider business of the type specified in Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1),(2),(a) through (h).

Convening into Closed Session
1. This may be done only when the Board or committee is first properly convened in open session and only to consider matters exempt from the open meeting requirements of Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (a) through (h). A motion carried by majority roll call vote is required to close.
2. Before the motion is adopted, the presiding officer must announce the nature of the business to be considered in closed session and the specific statutory subsection under which the closed session is claimed to be authorized.
3. Only business, including final action regarding such business, which relates to the subject matter set forth in the announcement made by the presiding officer, can be considered at the closed session.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.21, 19.85
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.85, 19.88, 65.90
Cross Reference: 171.2-Agenda Format, 182-Quorum, 811-Community Involvement in Decisionmaking


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

A. Proceedings
1. The proceedings of the Board shall be conducted as prescribed by the presiding officer,
State law, or Board policy; but any dispute may be resolved by referring to Roberts Rules
of Order, most recent edition.
B. Motions
1. All motions shall be entertained when properly seconded.
2. A roll call vote on a motion shall be taken only if one or more Board members request
such action, or as is required by State law or Board policy.
3. A roll call vote is mandatory when a motion is made to adjourn and reconvene into closed session.
4. No motion shall be declared adopted unless it shall have received the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting except as otherwise required by law or
Board policy.
C. Community Involvement
1. No action may be taken on items not on the agenda for that meeting. The Board has
established procedures for those community members requesting items be placed on an


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

A majority of the Board of Education members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §120.11(1)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

1. Ballots
Except in the election of the Board officers, no secret ballot may be used to determine any election or decision.
2. Voting
A vote may be taken in closed session if the vote is an integral part of the purpose for which the closed session was properly convened. Any Board member may require that a vote be taken in such a manner and that each member vote is ascertained and recorded, except where the election of Board officers is involved.
3. Records
The motions and roll call votes of open and closed sessions must be recorded, preserved,
and open to public inspection according to the State statutes governing the custody and delivery of public records.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.21, 19.85, 19.88
Cross Reference: 173-Closed Sessions


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/1998
Revised 07/10/2006

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.21, 18.88, 19.34, 120.11(4)
Cross Reference: 141-Board Officers

The clerk shall be responsible for an accurate journal of the minutes for all regular, special, and committee meetings. The Board may appoint this duty to a designee.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.84, 116.02
Cross Reference: 185.1-Finance Committee


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/14/99
Revised 03/28/02
A. Committee of the Whole
1. The Board of Education will meet as a Committee of the Whole at the regular meeting of the Board and will act as such in the regular transaction of business.
B. Standing Committees
1. The president shall appoint standing committees as follows:
a. Buildings and Grounds.
b. Curriculum.
c. Finance.
d. Negotiations/Personnel.
e. Policy
f. Transportation.
g. Performing Arts Center
2. The purpose of these committees is to obtain information and make recommendations to the district administrator and/or the Board on matters referred to them by the president and/or district administrator.
3. Public notice of committee meetings shall be given in accordance with the State law.
C. Special Committees
1. Special temporary committees (ad hoc) may be appointed by the Board as needed, or by the president upon the direction of the Board; however, no special standing committees shall be authorized.
D. All committee meetings are subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings law. The District will provide public notice of committee meetings as required by state law.
E. Representatives to Other Boards
The Board President shall annually appoint a member as its representative for the purpose of determining the composition of the CESA Board of Control.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98

1. To review all vouchers representing purchases of materials, supplies, equipment or repairs,
and all claims or demands.
2. To report to the Board of Education upon such review at the time the said vouchers are
presented to the Board for approval.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/1998
Revised 07/10/2006

The Board of Education may enlist staff and/or citizens to serve in an advisory capacity for the sole purpose to assist and advise the Board. The following principles will be followed when determining enlistment to an advisory committee:

1. A broad representation of staff and/or citizens will be sought.
2. Recommendations made to the Board will be based on research and facts.
3. Recommendations are advisory only and cannot be binding on the Board

At completion of its assignment, any such committee shall automatically be dissolved, but in no event shall a committee remain active more than six months unless the Board officially renews the appointment.