Wautoma Area School District
Approved 11/23/99
The Wautoma Area School District Board of Education subscribes to the thesis that our
educational aspirations for our young have made us free and it is the intention of the Board to help perpetuate that freedom by providing the best education possible for our children.
The purpose of public school education is to develop individuals who, in a world full of tremendous scientific progress, can show basic training in desirable moral, ethical, and spiritual beliefs, as well as, the more academic preparations which helps to complete the picture of a competent individual who is prepared to assume a role of shaping the future of our nation.
It is understood that though all children will not learn all things equally well, all should have an equal opportunity in the pursuit of educational qualifications for the world ahead and the Board of Education will attempt to balance its program to provide for the varied interests of all pupils.
Attempts at such balance will keep in mind the fact that the quality of a program deserves as much consideration as quantity and attempts at balance must be restricted by the quality of criterion. The Board accepts the promise that the center of the school curriculum is the child and that the instructional program should be tailored to fit a child development pattern of education.
The Board of Education accepts the conclusion that the education of children is a comprehensive program, which must be undertaken in cooperation with other institutions of our society and will seek to establish and maintain strong ties with parents and community programs.
Cross Reference: 411-Equal Education Opportunities
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98
The Board of Education is responsible to the District community and should attempt to reflect the opinion of the community. Board members must look, however, to the future more clearly than is required of the average citizen. The results of many decisions and actions of the Board will not be realized at once, but will set the course of education for future years. The Board should fearlessly support those educational philosophies and procedures needed to promote an adequate education for the community based upon the needs of the pupil population.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.01, 118.30(1)(g), 121.02(1)(a)
Approved 12/10/98
The Board of Education is responsible to the District community and should attempt to reflect the opinion of the community. Board members must look, however, to the future more clearly than is required of the average citizen. The results of many decisions and actions of the Board will not be realized at once, but will set the course of education for future years. The Board should fearlessly support those educational philosophies and procedures needed to promote an adequate education for the community based upon the needs of the pupil population.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.01, 118.30(1)(g), 121.02(1)(a)
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98
The Wautoma Area School District is a Common School District and the full legal name of the District is The Wautoma Area School District of the City of Wautoma; Villages of Redgranite and Lohrville; portions of the Towns of Wautoma, Dakota, Deerfield, Leon, Mt. Morris, Warren, Marion, and Richford; County of Waushara and State of Wisconsin.
Legal References: Wisconsin Constitution Article X(3)
Wisconsin State Statute §115.01(3), 115.01(5)
Approved 12/10/98
The Wautoma Area School District is a Common School District and the full legal name of the District is The Wautoma Area School District of the City of Wautoma; Villages of Redgranite and Lohrville; portions of the Towns of Wautoma, Dakota, Deerfield, Leon, Mt. Morris, Warren, Marion, and Richford; County of Waushara and State of Wisconsin.
Legal References: Wisconsin Constitution Article X(3)
Wisconsin State Statute §115.01(3), 115.01(5)
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98
The Board of Education (frequently referred to as the “Board”) is a legal body created by the statutes of the State of Wisconsin. Its members are public officials receiving their responsibilities and powers through State law.
Wisconsin State Law vests the control of the Wautoma Area School District in a school board composed of seven (7) members entitled a Board of Education. In these rules, the word “Board” will be used to designate Board of Education.
Newly elected Board members shall take office according to State law. Members are elected for a three-year term, except when completing an unexpired term. Board members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have complete authority, within State law, over school affairs when they serve as a legal body.
The Board is, in practice, primarily a policymaking body. Although legally authorized to administer policy, the Board delegates this function to an officer of the Board and/or district administrator of the school district.
Delegating this administrative function makes the Board responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the execution of Board policies. Evaluation by the Board requires a continuous appraisal of the results of its educational policies, as well as, the effectiveness of the general administration.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §17.26, 120.01(2), 120.06(3), (4)
Approved 12/10/98
The Board of Education (frequently referred to as the “Board”) is a legal body created by the statutes of the State of Wisconsin. Its members are public officials receiving their responsibilities and powers through State law.
Wisconsin State Law vests the control of the Wautoma Area School District in a school board composed of seven (7) members entitled a Board of Education. In these rules, the word “Board” will be used to designate Board of Education.
Newly elected Board members shall take office according to State law. Members are elected for a three-year term, except when completing an unexpired term. Board members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have complete authority, within State law, over school affairs when they serve as a legal body.
The Board is, in practice, primarily a policymaking body. Although legally authorized to administer policy, the Board delegates this function to an officer of the Board and/or district administrator of the school district.
Delegating this administrative function makes the Board responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the execution of Board policies. Evaluation by the Board requires a continuous appraisal of the results of its educational policies, as well as, the effectiveness of the general administration.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §17.26, 120.01(2), 120.06(3), (4)
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/98
A person is legally qualified to become a member of the Board of Education who is a United States citizen and a qualified voter of the school district. In addition, it would be desirable that members of the Board have a genuine interest in and devotion to public education, a willingness to give time and effort to the responsibility, a capacity for understanding people, and the ability to work cooperatively with others.
Legal References: Wisconsin State Statute §6.02, 120.06(2)
Approved 12/10/98
A person is legally qualified to become a member of the Board of Education who is a United States citizen and a qualified voter of the school district. In addition, it would be desirable that members of the Board have a genuine interest in and devotion to public education, a willingness to give time and effort to the responsibility, a capacity for understanding people, and the ability to work cooperatively with others.
Legal References: Wisconsin State Statute §6.02, 120.06(2)
Wautoma Area School District
Approved: 12/10/98
Any vacancy caused by death, resignation, or other reasons as outlined in State law of a Board of Education member, shall be filled by an appointment made by the Board as prescribed by State law.
Legal References: Wisconsin State Statute §17.03, 17.26, 19.01, 120.06(12)
Approved: 12/10/98
Any vacancy caused by death, resignation, or other reasons as outlined in State law of a Board of Education member, shall be filled by an appointment made by the Board as prescribed by State law.
Legal References: Wisconsin State Statute §17.03, 17.26, 19.01, 120.06(12)
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 12/10/1998
Revised 07/10/2006
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.34 ,120.05, 120.11(1), 120.15, 120.16, 120.17
1. Officers and Date of Election
The officers of the Board shall be president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer. The Board members at the first Board meeting following the fourth Monday in April, once the newly elected Board members take office, shall elect officers. Such a meeting shall be declared the organizational meeting of the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education according to State law.
2. Election
The president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer shall be elected by said Board from their own number to serve for one year.
3. Duties of the President
The president of the Board shall preside at Board meetings, shall perform all duties imposed by the State statutes, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by action of the Board of Education. The president shall appoint or provide for the election of all committees of the Board and shall be ex-officio member of all such committees.
4. Duties of the Vice-President
If the president, for any reason, is unable to perform their duties due to disability or absence, the vice-president should take the chair and preside over the meeting and/or perform all duties of the president. In their absence, and the absence of the president, the Board shall appoint another Board member to preside.
5. Duties of the Clerk
The clerk shall be responsible for an accurate journal of the minutes and all Board proceedings, although the Board may appoint this duty to a designee. The clerk shall also be responsible for school board elections, school board referendums, and any other duties as described by State law.
6. Duties of the Treasurer
The treasurer shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee and certify for the Board that all accounts and financial records are in order. The treasurer shall sign or have a facsimile signature affixed to all checks and other financial documents of the Board, and shall perform any other duties in accordance with State law.
7. Appointment of Replacement
If the Board president, vice president, treasurer, or clerk is unable to discharge the duties of the office due to disability or absence, the Board may appoint a person to discharge the duties of such a person until the disability or absence no longer exists. Such appointments will be as outlined in the State law.
Approved 12/10/1998
Revised 07/10/2006
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.34 ,120.05, 120.11(1), 120.15, 120.16, 120.17
1. Officers and Date of Election
The officers of the Board shall be president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer. The Board members at the first Board meeting following the fourth Monday in April, once the newly elected Board members take office, shall elect officers. Such a meeting shall be declared the organizational meeting of the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education according to State law.
2. Election
The president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer shall be elected by said Board from their own number to serve for one year.
3. Duties of the President
The president of the Board shall preside at Board meetings, shall perform all duties imposed by the State statutes, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by action of the Board of Education. The president shall appoint or provide for the election of all committees of the Board and shall be ex-officio member of all such committees.
4. Duties of the Vice-President
If the president, for any reason, is unable to perform their duties due to disability or absence, the vice-president should take the chair and preside over the meeting and/or perform all duties of the president. In their absence, and the absence of the president, the Board shall appoint another Board member to preside.
5. Duties of the Clerk
The clerk shall be responsible for an accurate journal of the minutes and all Board proceedings, although the Board may appoint this duty to a designee. The clerk shall also be responsible for school board elections, school board referendums, and any other duties as described by State law.
6. Duties of the Treasurer
The treasurer shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee and certify for the Board that all accounts and financial records are in order. The treasurer shall sign or have a facsimile signature affixed to all checks and other financial documents of the Board, and shall perform any other duties in accordance with State law.
7. Appointment of Replacement
If the Board president, vice president, treasurer, or clerk is unable to discharge the duties of the office due to disability or absence, the Board may appoint a person to discharge the duties of such a person until the disability or absence no longer exists. Such appointments will be as outlined in the State law.
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